1600 Mill Rock Way, Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 281-4000 sales@arrc.com

We’ll be the first to admit it.  Social media for business is terrible – it takes up too much time, it’s more mystifying than the Matrix plot, and it never seems to end, go away, or cease

Many of us have watched movies like Minority Report, Total Recall, and Back to the Future.  Movies like these tend to stick with you for a while, and they’re usually worthy of a Friday night movie binge. 

For years, Andrae Gonzales has played an active and consistent role in his community. Since 2010, he has been the executive director for Stewards Inc., a non-profit organization that manages the financial wellbeing of elderly and disabled

dennizn / Shutterstock.com What do the majority of Fortune500 companies have in common?  Well, other than an annual revenue of over $4.8 billion, not much.  How these businesses operate varies radically.  With different values all running on

“Wow!” is the first thought that comes to Dirk Turner’s mind when he thinks back on how far T&T Liberty Safes has come. Turner’s father, Larry Gene Turner, had the idea to start selling safes in 1989.

In a recent Wall Street Journal article, it was reported that victims of Ransomware paid out roughly $24 million in 2015.  And, unfortunately for the public, the FBI predicts this number will continue to grow in 2016.

It can be frustrating observing people who are just ridiculously confident.  They can do or say anything and not worry about the potential for mistakes or social blunders. And when they do make an error, nobody cares

There’s a ton of advice on how to improve your productivity—quick tips, simple hacks, and general guidelines.  But, unfortunately, if you have bad working habits, all those tips, hacks, and guidelines will do nothing for your productivity.

Yes, it’s true.  Too much technology can lead to some rather serious issues… like more stress, less sleep, anti-social behavioral tendencies, and a lack of focus.  None of which sound all too pleasant. But what choice do

People always try to give technology a bad rap, saying it consumes our lives and causes us to actually work more and not less.  And while, for some people, this may be undoubtedly true, it’s not technology’s

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